Contact Us

For Help, Please call (519) 890-1863

For Pastoral Care, Please Call Michael J. Rovers at (226) 350-3667

P.O. Box 3476 Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada N8N 3C4

A Registered Charitable Organization #835113465RR0001

Second Chance Ministry Board Members

Douglas Byrne

James Byrne

Joe Byrne

Rosalie Hebert

Kreg Lewenza

Ken Parent

Greg Riccardi

Michael J. Rovers

Heather Shanahan

John Shiha

Dorothy Vermeulen

Looking to make a donation, get involved or have a question? Please contact ( for more information.

Become a Volunteer

We are looking for people who are willing to give of their time.

The hours required are based on your availability.

Contact Us

Send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.